Certified Content Creators are experts in the 21st century digital content creation Universe that is driving the forth industrial revolution. Large and small Corporations all over the World are seeking our certified content creators at affordable rates to support their digital strategies and social media presence. As a Certified Content Creator, you will be responsible for the creation and editing of video, music, podcast, and other forms of World-class digital content for third parties, global and local enterprises, digital marketing campaigns, publicity and influencer engagement strategies. AfEI will certify and validate you according to global standards including providing you deep knowledge on monetizing your content creation skills and supporting you to offer your content creation services to an over $35 billion growing global content creation market place. After your certification with AfEI, you will become a trusted advisor locally and globally, to digital strategy campaign developers, or you may be engaged to design a digital content creation add-on to a overall digital marketing campaign. AfEI’s most valuable proposition is that we will integrate all our certified content creators into projects that are being developed for African consumption or match-make you with African clients globally as part of our AFRICA CONTENT STRATEGY.