Champions of the Universe ( Personal, Professional & Leadership Development Strategy ) Master Class Series
Fee: $130
Leadership is influence nothing more and nothing less, and in order for you as a professional to fully achieve your goals and reach your true potential, you must be able to accept and understand why you are considered a leader. Leadership is influence, the fact that you command influence in your family, at your job, in your business, in your community or even in your Nation, demonstrates that you are truly a Leader, not having the title is notwithstanding. People look up to you, people depend on you and in some cases if you do not get it done, things will fall part. There has been no more important time in the history of humanity than now as we transition the early stages of the 21st Century, to design and develop your own “Personal Leadership Strategy”. We can guide you in this respect. We have designed our Master Class as a strategic guide to support you to develop your own Personal Leadership Strategy. Our process includes your taking this 13 course Master Class Series which we have termed the “Champions of the Universe”. Our learning takes you on a deep dive into all areas of personal development and improvement, especially those areas that you will need, to reposition, to thrive in this current era of the forth industrial revolution. The 21st Century and the forth industrial revolution is characterized by advanced advancements in technology, also we are witnessing a deep rooted emphasis on global communications, disruptive business models and lifelong learning strategies, we have covered all these areas in detail in our “Champions of the Universe” 13 course Master Class. This Master Class is ideal for your entire army of employees especially for corporations or government departments, or for projects, associations or coalitions that are seeking to get the best out of their committed employee teams. “Champions of the Universe” Master Class Series is also ideal for the individual entrepreneur or the individual professional, who seeks to drive his or her own agenda and who is doing all they can to stay at the cutting edge of their careers’ progressive path. Our “Champions of the Universe” ( Personal Leadership Strategy ) Master Class Series will transform your thinking and your mindset into one of a committed Nation builder. Once you have certified as a Champion of the Universe by our systems, you will join our growing global coalition. So be advised that you must be prepared to make a full commitment to constant improvement, to career success and to global development of your own specific area of professional and/ or entrepreneurship endeavor.