Most of the global companies operating in Africa tend to deploy executives who sometimes have never lived or worked in Africa or in some extreme cases, these executives have never even visited the African continent. In this respect, many of the costly cultural or traditional, communal or environmental and even commercial blunders made at the executive level by global corporations operating in Africa, could have been avoided if these executives had been enrolled into our “Doing Business in Africa” certification program. The “Doing Business in Africa” certification covers in-depth knowledge on African cultures, business traditions, African regulatory environments, African business and commercial practices as well as provides a full in-depth understanding of what it means to manage and operate a large scale enterprise in an African environment. “Doing Business in Africa” certification is an intervention designed to serve as your executive orientation for those executives deployed to work at your Africa Units of your global enterprise. It is also ideal for executives that have direct responsibility for your Africa operations even though they may be physically stationed in Europe, North America or Asia. In today’s global market place quite a few global companies have understood the need to hire Africans in Diaspora as executives, to bridge the knowledge and culture gap in their African operations. It is pertinent to note that these highly qualified Africans in Diaspora or high achievers’ of African descent, would be best served to undergo our “Doing Business in Africa” certification in an effort to reorient their mindsets to one of an executive that fully understands, respects and can effectively operate in the African environment.
Duration: Intensive Four Days
Tuition: $995.00