Leadership in the 21st century has been transformed, as all companies can now operate as global companies serving markets anywhere across the globe. As global companies, we need to integrate our most valued corporate leaders with the most cutting-edge knowledge, tools and strategies for continuous sustainable growth and value creation. Leaders of national and global enterprises today need to approach customer acquisition, customer management, deeper market penetration, business modeling and investment aggregation from a 21st century perspective which will account for giving your enterprise the capacity to respond faster to market opportunities or challenges which are faced on account of the disruptions of the fourth industrial revolution and in a post COVID-19 economic environment. In addition, after the global race protests experienced in 2020 which were followed by the extra judicial killing of George Floyd by a police officer in the United States, much more diversity sensitive executive and board teams are required to readjust global corporations, in terms of the social, cultural and race relations paradigm shifts being witnessed on a global level in recent times. Your leadership teams may elect to penetrate rapid growth industries as markets for your expanding products or service offerings or your teams may select these growth industries for your own investment creating new service or product road maps, either way our Global Enterprise Leadership program will support your leadership team to navigate these complex situations with the knowledge and tools to be more successful. Depending on the national, continental or global strategy your corporation deploys, the Global Enterprise Leadership program provides your executive leadership with the required global overview, strategic insight and deep knowledge required to compete and reposition your corporation in the marketplace. Executives participating in our Global Enterprise Leadership program are supported with the process of continental and global business modeling, global business communications and global business expansion. Studying and understanding the most promising 21st century industries is the highlight of our program, including studying the impact and the implication for Africa of such growing industries as the artificial intelligence industry, nano technology, robotics and automated factories, DNA/ RNA recombination technology, fintech, alternative energies and autonomous vehicle technology etc.
Duration: Three Weeks
Tuition: $3,490.00