Nicky Okoye Podcasts
Nicky Okoye Podcasts
Entrepreneur Advisor by NICKY OKOYE(Episode 7)

This is episode seven of season one of our Entrepreneur Advisor by NICKY OKOYE Podcast series.

In this episode Dr. Nicky Okoye gave a more in-depth definition of market penetration strategy and outlined SEVEN market penetration strategies designed by him from geographical, cultural and from a value chain perspective. He shares these strategies on the Nickyokoyepodcasts so that entrepreneurs and business owners the World over, might use these guides to design their own market penetration strategies that will work for their businesses.

The SEVEN market penetration strategies include: Africa Strategy driven by the Africa Continental Free Trade Area agreement, a Caribbean Strategy, an African Diaspora Strategy, an African American Strategy, a Hispanic Strategy, a Global Capital Strategy, and a China Strategy.

In this episode 7 of the Entrepreneur Advisor podcast, Dr. Nicky Okoye went into a deeper understanding of the Africa Free Trade Area agreement and he shared an Africa positioning for conglomerates and entrepreneurs based on the most viable industries . He will discuss other strategies in subsequent episodes.

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