The challenge of dynamic organizations is to get the most out of their leadership teams. This is true for Government departments as well as for private or public corporations. In recent times, the Nigerian Banking and Finance industry has been very bold to expand their leadership teams to include an unprecedented number of women as Chief Executive Officers of Nigeria’s twenty three banking institutions. A wide range of women Chief Executives of Government agencies and departments in Nigeria, South Africa, Ghana, Rwanda etc. has also redefined the executive leadership landscape in Africa. In the Caribbean, we have already witnesses the progress of Women Prime Ministers, Women Chief Executives and Women Parliamentarians. We expect this trend to continue, as the positive results continue to demonstrate that women in Leadership can be of exceptional value to enterprises, organizations and even Nations. Our “Women in Leadership” Retreat is designed to support the sustainable process of building the capacity of women executives in enterprises across the World. In addition, our intervention builds a strong foundation for future women leaders of global enterprises, government agencies and departments, providing a constant flow of qualified candidates with the knowledge, in-depth understanding required for 21st century dynamic leadership at the C-level of executive leadership.
Duration: Three Days
Tuition: $495.00